Sunday, March 14, 2010

On Lawsuits and Healthcare

I heard this week that a women in Carmel, Indiana has filed a class action lawsuit against Toyota because she is afraid to drive her Prius it might go out of control. This may be the first case in history of somebody suing for what might happen and not what actually did happen. On the upside this may open up a whole new door of income opportunities for those of us on the bottom of the economic totem pole.

I have already started compiling my list of those I can sue. I think it is time to reopen the case against McDonald's and their hot coffee because each time I go in there I am scared someone else will spill it on me and I will get burned. There is an endless list of drivers who pass me each time I want to cross a busy street and am frozen with fear they might swerve onto the sidewalk and make me tomorrow's road kill. And as summer approaches I am agonized every day in anticipation of the distress to be caused by the ice cream headache I am sure to get with my next Blizzard from DQ.

Seriously this case should be dismissed before the ink dries and the lawyer should be taken outside and summarily shot on the town hall lawn.

While we are talking about stupidity, this is it. President Obama has called for an up or down vote on the biggest entitlement legislation in American History before the end of the week. First he wasn't going to delay his trip to Asia and now he is. All so he can help politic to wreck the world's greatest health care system. Yes, I feel extremely sorry for those whose insurance is expensive or whose medical bills are out of control. Being self employed I know insurance is outrageous. We just had to switch ours and to get something affordable we had to settle for a ten thousand dollar deductible. As long as we don't have any problems this will be great as we were able to settle in at just over four hundred dollars a month for a family of 4.

However, blaming insurance companies for making less then a 4% profit is not the answer. Most people who have IRA, Mutual Funds or other retirement packages have some investment in these companies. They just probably don't know it. Would you be willing to accept less then a 4% return on your investment if you owned a business? I don't think so. Instead we need to be looking at why health care is so expensive.

We prohibited drug companies from sending promotional items to doctors but let them advertise unlimited amounts on TV. How much less expensive do you think Viagra would be if they didn't spend millions on commercials and print advertising just so we would go to our doctors and demand our little blue pills.

Additionally, any doctor will tell you the biggest over head expense they have is malpractice insurance in case they accidentally put 6 stitches in instead of 5 and the lady from Carmel sues them for emotional distress because her scar is too big. They also have to perform 4 times the number of tests to cover there rear in case somebody sues. Yes I do think gross negligence should be punished. A drunk doctor should lose his license and the people he damages should get justice. However, in this sue crazy country we are feeding injury lawyers more then we are helping people. Do you think Doc Baker in Walnut Grove had to worry about malpractice insurance? Just watch TV any night and you will see the lawyers advertising for people who have had "complications" from any number of drugs and sometimes they even combine 5 or 6 drugs into the same commercial.

Do you want healthcare reform? Then lets stop blaming insurance and trying to get the Government involved in providing it and instead lets attack the areas that actual cost money.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Here I sit in a hotel room in New Albany watching what has somehow or another become appointment television in NCIS. It is extremely sad when you rush around to leave home just so you can make it to the hotel to watch a television show but this is my life. Grab a piece of sanity and hang on to. I am here tonight because tomorrow I have the pleasure of doing what I truly love to do in teaching adults. Our topic for tomorrow is using the DiSC Personality system to become a better leader. It is the first of four sessions for future leaders at Floyd Memorial Hospital.

Now don’t get me wrong there is certain rushes when you close a sale or find a solution for a customer but nothing really matches seeing the proverbial light bulb go off above the heads of engaged students. Little did I know when I spent four years muddling through the IU School of Education in my pursuit of teaching US History that my real calling was teaching to adults? Of course had I paid any attention in High School I probably would have realized just how few seventeen year olds qualify as an engaged student (except of course the pregnant few in a rush to find love and happiness with a zit faced and perpetually horny classmate.)

So, here I am a couple of hundred of miles away from home working one of my, count em, four jobs yet still quite content. Although I never enjoy being away from the family and especially sleeping in a separate bed from my fantastic wife it is good to know that God is giving me a chance to use my talents and also earn a few bugs and continue to climb out the financial hole that is now my life.

Life is GOOD!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

In Mourning!

Ok, I will admit it. I have been in mourning. I am a football addict and like most years at the end of the Football season I tend to spiral into an endless funk with nothing to look forward to each week. This season was particularly stressful as, right or wrong, I was hanging onto the success of the Indianapolis Colts to get me through what has easily been the toughest few months of my life.

As the business was spiralling and I was unsure what the future would bring the pursuit of an undefeated season and then a Super Bowl was something that gave me a center point. Yes I also continued to be grounded in the belief that God would provide but there was something about joining with thousands of others in Central Indiana rooting on our FieldTurf Warriors that made me feel life had some sense of sanity.

Once they lost I was left to face the perils of a new life all on my own. The good news is the last thirty days have been extremely productive in pursuing a new life. It didn't take long to realize that jobs are few and far between even for those as extremely competent and talented as me :) Instead I have fully re-established the business in the basement of our house and have looked to add as many revenue sources as possible. That is the real secret to surviving in this new environment I believe. Simply roll up your sleeves and get to work when times get tough. Like I have told many, the bleeding has now stopped. Now I am in business physical therapy. It is time to start getting the revenue moving forward and that is what we are focusing on.

Most people borrow money and go to college to get their MBA and then have a student loan to pay off. I have my MBA from the school of hard knocks and it is my turn to make student loan payments.

Keep us in your prayers.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished!

Dateline Thursday PM:

14 Hours before leaving home to conduct a DiSC Training and Serve as Music Professional for a conference of 330 people. This included hauling and setting up the full sound system.

What: Neighbor unknowingly comes over to ask the person with a trick back to help him move his treadmill and fails to inform him that said treadmill weighs 1000 pounds.

The Result: Being the good neighbor I am I willingly follow him next door to attempt to wiggle this bohemoth from his garage through his back door, only to immediately tweek the back injury I suffered in December. The pain was excruciating and continues to be closer to annoying then not. I immediately jumped into fear mode as I didn't know how I was going to haul speakers that weigh 100 pounds into the hotel. Fortunately a lot of ice and some appropriately timed narcotics later the swelling was limited and by the next morning I was at least mobile if not back to useful.

Of course upon my return from the conference I found six inches of snow blanketing my driveway and with company coming over to watch the "Big Game" in less then a day it was necesarry to begin the process of relocating the frozen water to a less intrusive location. At this point I do believe God sent a couple of angels as a reward for my good deed. Not five minutes into the scooping two young men in a pickup truck pull up offering to clear the driveway and in front of the mailbox and lay a little salt down all for what to me seemed a very reasonable twenty dollars. Considering the cost of loss production and Dr. bills for a continued painful back I quickly jumped on the offer. This could be the best investment of this young year.

Thank you Lord for teaching humility and willingness to accept help. Now should I bill the neighbor the twenty bucks? (Plus tip of course!)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I know, I know, I know

It has been way too long since my last post but daily survival is what life is about right now. Life since we closed the doors on the business has been busier then ever and that seems to be my biggest challenge. I had these grand plans of a disciplined life with Bible Study and writing in the morning followed by a day of work. I have yet to have less then a 12 hour day of work in order to follow this plan.

Of course not being busy would probably be worse but I am looking forward to getting fully transistioned so I can find out what is normal. It looks like I am going to get to keep quite a bit of business and there is survival in the cards. I am looking for a part time sales and marketing job to fill whatever hours I discover I have after things clear out.

In the meantime I will still need to find time to write about Haiti, the Super Bowl, Valentines Day, New Health Insurance and a plethora of other topics that arre worth discussing.

Friday, January 22, 2010

When it rains it pours and leaks!

Do you ever feel like Job? The old testament fellow who Satan convinced God to let test. Somedays I think I am a recreation of this. Amongst everything else we are fighting, closing the business, bad back, bills to pay, etc. we find out that the roof on our rental house has a leak and we will have to make a priority to fix it. Unfortunately, it isn't a little hole the entire rubber portion will probably have to be fixed. It seems like we are in a pattern of alternating crap with blessings, crap and blessings. Personally, I would like to cut the crap and stick to the blessings.

Oh well enough whining for tonight. I am seeing some advantages to my new approach to life. Having the business in the house instead of a retail establishment is going to give me a flexibility I sorely missed. Take tonight for example, all my family is gone so I am sitting in my new basement "store" watching a movie, engraving medals and blogging all at 8 PM. I sure wouldn't be doing that if I had to go to the store to work.

Keeping positive as always,


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

On Haiti and Massachusetts

Ok, two major tremors today. I don't have much time but I can't let two dramatic events go uncommmented on.

First, Haiti. They had another quake today. Almost 6.0 but fortunately it looks like damage is minimal compared to the original and its aftershocks. My in-laws have spent the last 28 hours working their way from Indiana to Titayen, Haiti to provide some much needed physical relief to those on the compound they used to serve on. Our prayers go out to them for their safety and that they can provide some relief.

Second, Massachusetts. I don't care what you say, if Massachusetts elects a Republican Senator it is a referendum on Obama and the current policies of the Democrats in charge of Congress. It seems Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are just too arrogant to realize that the American People for the most part do not want a trillion dollar public health care program. Health care reform, yes. New uncontrollable spending absolutely not. Part of me hopes they get the message and the other part says keep going. At least if they keep pushing this falls election should be historic in the turnover.

I would love to see an election that puts people in office that want to adhere to the constitution and reign in spending. I don't care what party they are as long as they don't want to do business in secret or keep finding ways to protect their own self interests.

TaTa for Now